Open Spurs

Tottenham Hotspur updates for fans following from the Fediverse.

2 thoughts on “

  1. @Sam @spurs true, Son was the catalyst but you’re right in saying that Bentancur was targeting a whole race. Never a dull moment at this football club. Right before the NLD too!

    1. @paulk_ @Sam @spurs

      Re: Bentancur/Son

      Racism is quite rightly making the headlines lately, and about time.

      There is one thing to consider though, that being that because each nation has it's own history we all have different racism gauges, for example, Bentancur's comments were acceptable here just a few decades ago, as in the 1970's sitcom Love Thy Neighbour.

      This can't go uncontested but I do think it might be worth considering that the FA could be imposing a rather UK centric view.

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